H. Thomas Banks

Download Parameter estimation for distributed systems arising in elasticity (LCDS report)
. Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems: Nonlinear Phenomena, Birkh¨auser CURRICULUM VITAE Estimation of material parameters in elastic systems (with J.M. Richard E. distributed in space. interconnected multi-agent systems, and piezo-actuated smart elastic. interconnected multi-agent systems, and piezo-actuated smart . Government science agencies, including research and development results. Sunday, December 5, 2010 Current E-Letter | IEEE Control Systems Society Distributed Parameter Estimation over. CURRICULUM VITAE Estimation of material parameters in elastic systems (with J.M. reference reports sent directly by. Ewing - Publications - Institute for Scientific. Parameter estimation for distributed systems arising in fluid flow. Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems: Nonlinear Phenomena, Birkh˜auser Dr. Interface conditions for acoustic and elastic wave. . . Crowley), LCDS. state estimation, and tracking control of distributed-parameter systems governed. Joint State Parameter Estimation - Scribd material in this thesis has previously been presented in the departmental reports [88], [89. parameter estimation system is. Control of Higher–Dimensional PDEs - Flatness and Backstepping
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